What Will The Merc Do?
As many of you know, this Sunday the Mercury News will announce its much-anticipated endorsement in the San Jo mayoral election. The Merc has conducted interviews over the past week of the candidates to help inform their decision.
The paper best known for not being able to tell the difference between Gonzalez and Chavez (you know not all Latinos are related) and being about as pro-"downtown business" as you can get (sitting on COMPAC's board) will almost undoubtedly pass on endorsing Cindy. The only real question is if they will pass on Chuck as well.
The coverage since day 1 has been slanted in Chuck's favor. But since recent revelations of Chuck's ripoff of over 38K dollars of city money, the Merc has chastised Reed quite a bit. The paper - sometimes referred to as McEnery's News - is now facing an interesting dilemma. Many Merc-loyalists want a write-in endorsement of Pandori. But would the Merc be willing to take an ideological stand at the risk of jeopardizing its political currency? I guess we'll all have to wait till Sunday to find out. The one thing that is for sure: Cindy's got about the same chance of being endorsed as Hillary Clinton does of getting Rev. Jerry Falwell on her literature.
The only reason the Merc won't be endorsing Cindy is because they've already done so much negative campaigning against her. Cindy is miles above and beyond Reed as a leader but the Merc knows that she won't be looking out for their business when elected. Though the Merc has grown a pair recently and reported the facts about Reed's scandal, it can't afford not endorsing Reed. The Merc needs Reed in City Hall and it will suffer severely if Chavy is in there after all of the negative mudslinging. The Merc will endorse Reed, but only to save it's own @$$!
The Merc should endorse Gary Coleman for mayor.
My respect for the Merc would be seriously injured for a few weeks if they endorse Reed after all the recent developments.
The Mercury News is a very legitimate media institution and has very educated and enlightened readers. Look at this post on their discussion board called "KILL BABY VIRGINS!" (no joke!!!)
Can the Merc be anymore biased? It's ridiculous. Chavez should have boycotted the endorsement interviews altogether.
Murk = biased.
Has the Merc ever offered a "No Endorsement"? They may end up making that move here. Just bash both of the candidates...?
I think at this point they're gonna go Chuck. They are madly in love with the McEnery/Dando/De La Rosa camp. I'd handicap it 80% they go Reed, 10% no endorsement, 10% Pandori.
Sour grapes for you Chavistas.
Jeff Kiel of the San Jose Mercury News...
Secretary Treasurer of COMPAC
Can anybody explain to me how this is legitimate?
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