Santa Clara County Democratic Club To Reconsider Chuck Reed Endorsement
MayorWatch has learned that the Santa Clara County Democratic Club is planning to reconsider its endorsement of mayoral candidate Chuck Reed at its September meeting this upcoming Monday. MayorWatch has heard conflicting stories on the reason for this reconsideration:
(A) Some have claimed that members of the club identified some sort of procedural irregularity with the endorsement process initially which has justified the reconsideration motion.
(B) Alternatively, others have told MayorWatch that the basis for reconsideration is entirely substantive.
In any case, Mr. Reed is going to have to prove to members of the Club that he still deserves the co-endorsement. As many of our readers know, this is a story we have covered extensively:
The charges against him will range from his votes refusing to recognize civil unions to the now widely circulated picture of him speaking at a Republican function with a Schwarzenegger campaign sign behind him. The battle certainly looks uphill for Mr. Reed. However, MW has learned that it takes a 2/3's vote to reverse prior endorsements.
Please email our co-editor if you have any information that could shed more light on the subject.
Wow, its like someone actually read this site and was actually persuaded...
How many of you readers are out there???
It's about time somebody stepped up and called Chuck Reed out for being a blatant Repub. He's a frickin' joke. He's not democrat - he's a demoRAT.
i'm not a memmber of this club but i'll become one if it means i can vote AGAINST reed so that he doesn't use MY local party credibility that i have put years of service into to steal votes from the real democratic candidate.
does anybody know who to contact for membership? anybody know who to contact so i can make my voice heard?
WHO GIVES A F***??? Chavez and Reed were CO-ENDORSED!!!
What would the "procedural" reason be for reconsidering the endorsement...
I believe the so-called "procedural objection" is that Cindy was not present at the meeting to make her case. But, you might ask, why would that matter. Well, Cindy wants a SOLO endorsement. Not the co-endorsement.
then again, I'm not sure Cindy is behind the push to reconsider the endorsement. The rumblings I've heard are that a lot of prominent local Dems are upset with Reed being able to wear the label of their party.
As a moderate, I prefer a Republican over a big-spender like Chavez. Reed for Mayor!
so watsup with Councilmember Reed & Mohinder Mann?
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